The video below from shapes some of the parameters for the digital renaissance we are currently immersed within—and does it well. The opportunity is there for those who choose to stand up and step forward. Literacy (reading and writing) is one key. Digital literacy is another. Curiosity, play, autonomy, and physical fitness give wings to these activities.
But the video predominantly focuses on skills and their application in the outer world. There's little mention of internal consciousness and how to develop it, which is the foundation to becoming a renaissance human. The great masters throughout time and cultures did not arrive at who they were because they had computers or other tools. They produced what they did with the tools of their time because their consciousness was engaged at levels more fundamental, more creative, than the prescribed utility of tools. The tool is merely a conduit for a greater consciousness.
Consciousness is both innate and cultivated through practice and lifestyle—primarily the practice of developing steady, focused awareness. Polymaths do not soar because of the augmentation provided by tools, but because their intelligence, imagination, and curiosity are able to work with, even while transcending, the available tools.
Steve Jobs' idea of the computer as bicycle for the mind is great, but one should not mistake the power of a tool for the power of consciousness to innovate, imagine, and even create new tools. You want to be an entrepreneur? Fantastic! But start from yourself as the source of potential for your enterprise.
Conscious is the inventor of all tools. Clear and integrated awareness provides more capability for multifarious applications of digital tools within the world.
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